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Crazybridge Studios produces high-end visuals for television, films, and attractions. Our focus is on delivering graphics that are at once rich, compelling, accurate, and clear.


We are creative people making incredible things. Have a look at some of our latest work below. There’s more to see in our Portfolio.

General Reel

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Whether it’s a heart-pounding ride film or an in-depth technical explainer animation, our work always takes the engagement level to 11.

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Our clients trust Crazybridge to bring increased production value and visual polish to their projects, and find novel solutions to the unique challenges of each production.

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Our talented team of artists have decades of combined experience in 3D modeling, animation, dynamics, look development, compositing, writing, and editing.

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Our work has received an Emmy award, multiple nominations, and other prestigious industry recognition.

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Our factual graphics are accurate, correct, and clear, thanks to our meticulous attention to research and detail.

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We devote the same high level of attention and care to every scope of project and budget size.

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